Why You Should Choose a Hiring Agency Over a Job Fair

At a job fair, you can easily be lost in the shuffle. There are hundreds of people all going to one location. Booths can be hard to locate and even reach in crowds. Once you are at the job fair you might be waiting in line instead of spending time working with an employer. When you go through a staffing agency they have specific appointments with professionals and can help you open doors.
Not only that but when going to a job fair you meet a person at a booth for just a couple of minutes. That means you need to leave a lasting impression regardless of your experience and training. Whereas Hiring agencies aren’t going to be all about the first impression it’s a long-term relationship.
Hiring agencies are working with a ton of different employers. They have the first hand knowledge from these employers of jobs available that range from the executive positions to entry-level positions. Agencies can also provide the flexibility of temporary employment opportunities as well as permanent employment opportunities. When you go to a job fair applicants are typically are offered entry level jobs limiting the amount of doors you can open.
Not only that but when you are working with a hiring agency, they will help you get your resume in front of more employers. Think about every application you fill out online it takes anywhere from 15-45 minutes after tailoring your resume to the job and company you are applying for. You don’t have to go through all of that work the hiring agency is the one that is going to get your resume in front of the employers hiring. Some of which you might not even know are hiring. If you are efficient at one job I am sure you know that market better than the average person. Staffing agencies are that but helping people in getting a job. Saving you time, energy, and getting you employment faster.
Another benefit to working with a hiring agency is that I the position is not the right fit for you they will help to transition into a different position. Not only that but working with a hiring agency to find a job comes at no cost to you. You will gain an ally that will work with you to find the best fitting job for you and open doors to jobs you didn’t realize were there.